
8 Tips for Writing an Effective eCommerce Email

As eCommerce, your job is to expand your online presence to all the platforms and marketing tools available. Email marketing should be an inevitable part of your digital marketing strategy in eCommerce industry.

It is one of the oldest but most effective ways to reach out to your target audience, send them the right messages, and get them to perform the desired action.

Naturally, you need to know how to write a quality and effective eCommerce email. Luckily, we’ve got your back.

How to Write Better Ecommerce Emails?

Below you’ll find the 8 best tips for writing a killer eCommerce email every time, so make sure to keep reading. Let’s take a closer look together.

Focus on a Single Goal

Your target audience isn’t expecting to receive any emails from you, because they didn’t ask for any of them. That means they won’t be so willing to read your emails top to bottom. 

To make your emails as impactful as possible, you should always focus on a single goal you want to achieve. This will simplify your emails and make them easier to read.

There can be dozens of goals you could aim for:

  • Welcome new subscribers/shoppers
  • Offer a discount
  • Invite to check out your latest products
  • Share newest blog posts
  • Invite them to a virtual event 

Whatever it is you want to achieve with your email, make sure it’s one goal per email copy.

Segment Your Audience & Personalize

Depending on the size of your eCommerce, you might have more than one target audience. Segmenting your target audience is important for writing personalized emails, so make sure to do so.

You’ll divide them into groups such as:

  • New shoppers vs. loyal shopper
  • Shoppers in Europe vs. in Australia
  • Contacts who opened your last email vs. those that didn’t

Based on the demographics, characteristics, or behavior group they belong to, you’ll be able to personalize your emails and create separate copies for each group.

This will ensure each group gets the information and treatment they deserve.

Write a Killer Subject Line

Let’s face it- if your subject line isn’t good enough, nobody’s going to even open your email and see what you have to say.

 A great subject line is what makes the difference between the emails going to the Trash and those your audience actually reads.

A great subject line respects these basic rules:

  • Gives an honest hint of what the email is about
  • Addresses the recipient by name, or a group they belong to
  • Creates a sense of mystery that will inspire them to read the rest of the email
  • Creates a sense of urgency and relies on FOMO

Here are some great examples:

  • Hey, Maria! Your summer discount is here…
  • Hey, beach lovers! Do you need a new swimsuit?

It’s important that your target audience feels like your emails are designed especially for them, to be more willing to open and read them. You can get help from the e-commerce marketing tools to achieve great success for your e-commerce brand.

Respect Brand Personality

As e-commerce, you’ll be publishing content on several different fronts included in your marketing strategy. Your blog, website, social media, and emails should all be aligned with each other.

That means that in your emails you have to respect:

  • Brand tone and voice
  • Type of vocabulary 
  • Writing style

When a person following you on Instagram reads your email, they need to feel like it’s the same person. 

Yes, they see you as a person they’re getting to know better every day, so make sure you build your brand personality even in your email marketing efforts.

Write Concisely

As we’ve already mentioned, nobody has the time to read extensive emails with a lot of written content.

On the contrary, people will be willing to check it out and perhaps read the most important information you’re trying to share.

This is why you have to write concisely:

  • Forget long introductions
  • Go straight to the point
  • Make every word count
  • Make every sentence valuable and informative
  • Remove redundancy

Make sure you’re providing instant value for your readers, and each segment of your email copy matters to them as much as it matters to you.

Organize The Structure

To make your email copies even more attractive and easier to read, you should organize their inner structure according to these simple yet effective rules:

  • Divide your email into paragraphs
  • Use subheadings
  • Create bullet points and lists
  • Use bold and italics

This will make your email easier to skim for specific information, and your target audience will be more willing to read it.

If you just send one huge chunk of text, you’re going straight to the spam box.

Include a CTA

A quality call-to-action should be an inevitable part of your e-commerce email strategy. CTAs are designed to urge and motivate people to perform the desired action and create a sense of urgency that is always welcome.

Include a CTA that is a clickable link or a button, taking your target audience straight to the landing page where they can perform that action.

Here’s what we have in mind:

  • Claim Your Discount Now!
  • Order Your Copy Today!
  • Buy Your Favorite Style!

Your CTA should also be visually emphasized using larger fonts, visible colors, and other design tricks.

Proofread For Accuracy

You can’t send an email without previously proofreading it to perfection. An email with a mistake as small as a typo will say all the wrong things about you:

  • You’re unprofessional
  • You’re sloppy
  • You wrote the email without investing all your efforts

This is why you have to proofread every email that you send. You can use a grammar and spell checker such as Grammarly. You could also check out these writing companies’ ratings and choose the one you like the most.

Check every email copy, every sentence, and every word before you decide to send it out.

Final Thoughts

An e-commerce email should be written with a lot of attention to every detail. Starting with your goal and ending with the overall impression you’re making, everything counts.

Use the tips we’ve shared above to make sure every e-commerce email that you send is a success.