Find your perfect agency match!
DAN Marketplace: Connecting
Agencies & Brands
DAN’s digital marketing marketplace streamlines the connection between clients and agencies. Brands can find top-tier agencies in their niche, while agencies can discover exciting new projects – within a user-friendly platform.
100% Free
3,300+ Verified Options
Smart Matching Algorithm

How it Works

  1. Let suitable agencies reach out to you for your project.
  2. Share in-depth and comprehensive project information for effective collaboration.
  3. Find suitable agencies for your project from a large pool of verified options.
How DAN Marketplace Works for Brands
Simply tell us your needs, and we’ll connect you with agencies ready to quote, in just 3 easy & fast steps.
Post Your Brief
Fill out the form and tell us everything – the project’s timing, budget, expertise requirements, and more.
Reach Verified Agencies
Let DAN’s matching system connect you with 2-5 agencies based on your project’s location, needs, expertise, or industry.
Get Your Quotes
Get matched with the perfect agency for your project. Receive proposals from agencies that meet your specific needs.
Explore DAN Agencies
While we automatically match you, you can also browse DAN’s verified agencies according to your location, the service you are looking for or the industry.
By Service
By Industry
By Region
By City
  • AI Marketing
  • B2B Marketing
  • Branding
  • Content Marketing
  • Creative
  • Digital Marketing
  • Digital Product Design
  • Digital Strategy
  • eCommerce
  • Email Marketing
  • Marketing Automation
  • Mobile App Development
  • PPC
  • SEO
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Software Development
  • UX Design
  • Web Design
  • Automotive
  • Beauty & Cosmetics
  • Education
  • Energy
  • Fashion & Retail
  • Finance
  • FMCG
  • Food & Beverage
  • Gaming
  • Healthcare
  • Hospitality
  • IT & Technology
  • Legal
  • Luxury
  • Media & Entertainment
  • Non-Profit Organization
  • Real Estate
  • Sports
  • Startup
  • Telecommunications
  • Travel & Tourism
  • USA
  • UK
  • Canada
  • Australia
  • Europe
  • Asia
  • MENA
  • New York
  • London
  • Manchester
  • Los Angeles
  • Toronto
  • Sydney
  • Amsterdam
  • Miami
  • Berlin
  • Chicago
  • Amsterdam
  • Melbourne
  • Dubai
  • Singapore
  • Vancouver
  • Chicago
  • Istanbul
  • Brisbane
  • Birmingham
  • New Jersey
  • Bangkok
  • Essex
  • Hong Kong
Why DAN: Multi-Vendor Marketplace
Access a network of pre-vetted, industry-specific agencies via DAN’s on-demand digital marketplace. In DAN, all agencies undergo a rigorous vetting process, guaranteeing expertise you can trust.
What’s more?
Niche-Specific Providers
3,3K+ Verified Agencies
Advanced Privacy
Ready to take your business to the next level?
Frequently Asked Questions
Our FAQ provides fast answers to your common questions. Find quick solutions and helpful tips in one easy spot.
How do you select the agencies that are matched with my project?
Our DAN experts carefully review each project request based on various factors, including location, desired services, required expertise, timeline, and related industries. We only partner with top-rated agencies that meet our strict criteria, so that we make sure the proposal you receive is from qualified and experienced professionals.
Are there any undisclosed fees that I need to be aware of?
Rest assured, there are no hidden costs. Our service is entirely free for you.
Will my information be shared with anyone other than agencies?
No, your information will be shared exclusively with the 2-5 agencies that we carefully select for you.
Do I have to commit to working with any of the agencies you match me with?
Not at all, you have no obligation to work with any of the selected agencies. The final decision is entirely yours.
What is the typical timeframe for receiving proposals from relevant agencies?
The timing of agency contact varies depending on the agencies’ schedule, the time of the year, or specific requirements of your project. Agencies will reach out to you if they find your project appealing. Please note that external factors like agency workload or project-specific details can affect response times.
How many proposals will I receive from agencies?
While we strive to match each project with at least two agencies, there may be instances where agencies decline to submit proposals. This could be due to factors such as project scope, budget, or agency workload. You could expect to receive up to 5 proposals.
Is there a limit to the number of projects I can submit for matching?
You can submit as many projects as you like for matching. Our RFP system is designed to assist you in finding the right agencies for all your digital marketing needs.
Can I submit a project request for a project that requires anonymity?
Yes, you can. But keep in mind that by filling out this form, you give your consent for DAN to share the project details with the selected 2-5 agencies for potential matches. However, your personal information will not be shared with any third parties.